Measuring bearing loads.
Monitoring lubrication.
Preventing damages.

From rolling bearing to sensor

HCP Sense offers a simple solution for measuring the forces acting in the machine directly and thus can be used to monitor production processes.

As our sensor bearing has the same dimensions as a conventional bearing, no complex redesigns are necessary.

Firstly, lubrication-induced bearing damage can be prevented by monitoring the lubrication. Secondly, the sensor bearing provides exactly the load data that is still missing today for the RUL calculation, so that load-induced damage can be predicted at an early stage. These two changes cover the majority of bearing damage. For machine tools, for example, 50% of damage is due to inadequate lubrication and 30% of damage is due to load events.

"The innovative method developed by HCP Sense GmbH for electrical impedance measurement on roller bearings, can make a tremendous improvement in the operation of roller bearings in the future. "
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Sommer
THWS Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

Read more about the successful cooperation with our partners.

The HCP Sense pillow block with integrated LubSecure technology allows you to continuously monitor the lubrication in your pillow block bearings. Lubrication failure is the cause of 80% of bearing damage. Hence, we help you to prevent cost-intensive downtime through timely and needs-based relubrication. Thus, you can be able to reduce your lubricant consumption and the number of maintenance interventions without having to accept the risk of bearing damage.

Reduce downtimes by up to 80%

Reduce lubrication costs

Relubricate only when needed

Reduce maintenance and repair costs

Lubrication is an important means of optimising the durability and energy consumption of machines. With our technology, you can monitor lubrication directly in your products, prototypes and test stands during operation. Thus, you can be able to draw conclusions for optimisation with regard to load capacity and durability. Our service includes project planning, installation, as well as carrying out and analysing the measurements. Optimising the choice of lubricant and operating strategy reduces friction and energy consumption. Hence, it leads to a significant increase in the product’s lifespan.

Increasing efficiency through optimised lubrication configuration

Monitoring of initial surface changes

Qualification of lubricants

Understanding of damage causes

Optimisation of the lubricant selection

Optimisation of the operating strategy

Together, we transform your standard bearings into sensors for lubrication, load and condition. No additional – and therefore vulnerable – measurement technology and no redesign. Your application-specific expertise paired with our technology results in the best possible customised solution, precisely tailored to your needs

Minimise the risk of failure

Reduce maintenance costs

Increase efficiency

Avoid lubricant waste