Official #Founding!
Signatures that will shape our lives!
It’s done, HCP Sense is now a limited liability company (GmbH) in formation.
Many thanks to everyone who supported us with enthusiasm and made it possible for us to be here today. First and foremost the team from HIGHEST – Innovation and Start-up Center at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Gudrun Lantelme, Dr. Rolf Slatter, Eckhard Kirchner, Deniz Bayramoglu, Harald Holzer, Lionel Born, Hagen Elgeti, Dominik Großkurth, Claudio Kühn, Tibor Reischitz, Jörg Stahlmann, Martin Krech, Markus Hessinger, Werner Thilmann, Juan Camilo Cruz Bayona, Klaus-Michael Ahrend, Klaus Friedrich Hepp, Marcel Mingoti Moraes, Josias Leal, Miljana Spasic, Ferdinand Weiss, Andreas Müller, Norbert Hoelscher, Michel WICKER, Maximilian M., Ahmed Hamdi, Mahdi Guermazi, Rikesh Joshi, Dominik van de Vathorst, PATRICIA WICKER, Bartosz Kajdas, Marco Biegel, Philipp Metzger, Christian Seifert …
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