was a guest lecturer today in the master’s lecture SPES – Smart Products, Engineering and Services in our “mother faculty” of product development and machine elements.
In the course, the digitization of mechanical engineering is taught in a practical way and supplemented by elements of smart engineering, market and business aspects and future trends. The guest lecture by HCP Sense offered the students insights into the technology, but also the digital challenges and business models. In addition, at the end of the semester, in the practical project phase, the students will develop a smart product themselves using our #Sensorbearing. We are excited about the ideas!
Technical University Darmstadt Subjects:
Technology and Innovation Management (TIM) Prof. Dr. Alexander Kock, Mechatronic Systems (IMS) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Rinderknecht, product development and machine elements (PMD) Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eckhard Kirchner
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