Measuring bearing loads.
Monitoring lubrication.
Preventing damages.

Student Thesis (Bachelor/Master/Internship)(m/f/d)

Experimental development of algorithms for lubricant diagnosis


HCP Sense is a spin off of TU Darmstadt and develops a highly innovative sensor technology that monitors the lubricant levels of bearings by measuring the bearing’s impedance. The algorithms for the lubricant diagnosis are the core of this technology. In this thesis, these have to be further developed with the help of machine-learning methods.

Core topics

  • Research of machine-learning models for lubricant diagnosis
  • Experimental data collection
  • Further development of our algorithms for lubricant diagnosis

If you are interested, contact us to find out more about the measurement concept and the task!

Mechanic is putting yellow grease in the into bearing, engineering and industrial concept"n


Georg Martin, PhD

+ 49 176 1606077